Thursday, March 3

eight 'oh

I've never thought that this blog would ever reach 80 followers, it's getting closer and closer to 100. Jeez, am I really that awesome? Just kidding. I'm not even funny. I just wanted to thank all of you for supporting me, it's really nice. Being Pirata111, the weird unknown edgy fuhcker freak of stardoll, it's sort of a big acomplishment to be recognised for my graphics. Not that they're seriously any good, even though I can't say that I'm really bad at making graphics. Urgh, and what am I on about, again? Oh yeah, the followers. I must say thank you once more, because it doesn't feel enough. Keep on reading and commenting in here, because I love all of you, with no exceptions.

And no, I didn't make any graphic for this occasion, I honestly can't be bothered to do that. I have a lot of SFW stuff going on, I need to finish my collection, and I also just can't be arsed to actually make an additional graphic right now, I'm too lazy.

I don't have anything else to say. Stay fierce.


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